Selamat datang di, blog yang menyajikan Informasi Seputar Lowongan Kerja Terbaru 2015. Kami merupakan salah satu jaringan Tjarie Group yang memfokuskan dalam penyebaran Berita Lowongan Kerja Terbaru khusus untuk Warga Negara Indonesia. Mengingat begitu banyaknya pengangguran di Indonesia sehingga meggerakkan hati kami untuk mempersembahkan sebuah sajian yang tentunya bisa berguna dan bermanfaat bagi kita semua. Harapan kami kedepan semoga Tjarie Group bisa menjadi sahabat/partner anda sebagai salahsatu media referensi terpercaya dalam mencari Lowongan Pekerjaan.
Tentunya akan banyak Penipuan berkedok rekrutmen, untuk itu Kami menghimbau kepada para pencari kerja agar selalu ber HATI-HATI dalam proses rekrutmen. Perlu di CATAT dan INGAT TIDAK ADA UANG dalam proses rekrutmen dengan alasan apapun. Bagaimana bisa dikala anda Butuh Uang sementara untuk itu anda harus mengeluarkan Uang sebagai syarat untuk bisa masuk dan lulus seleksi.
Lowongan Kerja 12 Juni 2015 yang akan kami sajikan datang dari PT Bara Indah Sinergi
Berikut Lowongan Kerja Bara Indah Sinergi
Profile PT Bara Indah Sinergi adalah perusahaan yang bergerak di Pertambangan (Coal Mining) dan Perdagangan Batubara (Coal Trading) untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar lokal maupun ekspor.
Perusahaan kami saat ini tengah berkembang pesat dan kami percaya bahwa kesuksesan kami dibangun bersama tim yang handal, penuh talenta, individu yang masing-masing memiliki integritas, semangat, inovatif dan dedikasi terhadap pekerjaan.
PT Bara Indah Sinergi
Perusahaan kami saat ini tengah berkembang pesat dan kami percaya bahwa kesuksesan kami dibangun bersama tim yang handal, penuh talenta, individu yang masing-masing memiliki integritas, semangat, inovatif dan dedikasi terhadap pekerjaan.

Credit: PT Bara Indah Sinergi
Batas Lamaran: 23 Juni 2015
PT Bara Indah Sinergi dalam perkembangan bisnisnya memerlukan tenaga prefossional untuk menunjang kesuksesan usaha tersebut, saat ini sedang membuka Lowongan Kerja Terbaru Bulan Juni 2015. Dalam proses rekrutmen ini salahsatu syarat dan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan minimal lulusan SMK, D3, S1 bersedia ditempatkan di Kalimantan. Penjelasan lebih lanjut mengenai posisi yang dibutuhkan dapat dilihat pada sajian lengkap dibawah.
• Male, max. 45 years old
• Minimal S1 (mining or related subject)
• Having more than 10 years experience working in coal mining projects, especially 6 year as project manager
• Having high capability to lead, synergize, and supervise departments (production, plant, finance, purchasing, logistic, safety, HR-GA, Jetty, etc.).
• Responsible and understand all aspects of mining operation, including external aspects.
• Mastering Mine Design and strategy of mining operations
• Having experience with production target of more than 150,000 tons per year, should be per month
• Mastering project management, cost analysis, planning & scheduling, and project administration
• Able to create a harmonious and productive cooperation, internally and externally
• Able to operate functions of organization and create applicable methods of work.
• Having good track record and able to develop, manage, lead, build and motivate team integratedly and guidedly
• Having honesty, commitment, integrity, and ambition to progress
• Active in working and trustworthy in implementing responsibility
• Oriented to achievement of production target optimally
• Create, propose, direct and evaluate weekly plan for barge loading unit
• Supervise, control and evaluate the coal loading process to the barge
• Control, implement and make a report for off the dock and barge in jetty
• Supervise and control in/out of barge, sea transportation, navigation process in port area
• Check and control barge eligibility
• Monitor maintenance of navigational aid, support tools and other shipping equipment at jetty / dock to meet standards of safety and shipping
• Implement policies and HSE programs to ensure that all activities in accordance with HSE under accountability
• Degree in shipping with experience in barging and loading is a must
• Experience minimum 2 years as captain loading master (jetty)
• Have a K3, BST and Shipping certificate
• Good computer skills
• Able to operate auto cad program
• Ability to work in a dynamic environment
• Have a good health condition
• Willing to be placed in Kalimantan Area.
1. Min. Bachelor degree in mining
2. Min 3 years previous experiences in mining operation (production).
3. Good communication and leadership skill.
4. Willing to be placed in all company location
5. Good computer skill
6. May be required to work flexible hours to meet Project requirements.
1. Minimize exposure to personnel and the environment by identifying hazards and risks during the operation phase of the work packages and implement all safety procedures, rules and regulations.
2. Responsible to implement short term detailed mine execution plans at the position level using the using guide from Mine Planning
3. Supervise the performance of mining foremen, operators, technicians and unskilled personnel in the Mining operations in the shift by shift.
4. Co-ordinate and supervise Mining production and other mining team meetings.
5. Assist Dept. Head Production in liaise and co-ordinate with maintenance department to optimize and maximize mining equipment availability and utilization.
Control production on an hour by hour basis and prepare timely and accurate report on project progress as required by the project.
• Male, maximum 48 years old
• University graduate (S1) in mining engineer
• Understand mining procedure
• Understand procedures of transporting and shipping of mining products
• Able to design mining plans
• Having two year experience as chief mining engineer in the same field.
• Understand process of digging or mining operation
• Understand process of mining reclamation and rehabilitation
• Understand process of licensing and reporting with institutions concerned.
• Understand mining procedure, K3L Amdal.
• Having good capability in analyzing and solving problems
• Able to work under pressures and high work load
• Able to build a good relationship with all related government and private institutions
• Mastering general and specific softwares in mining
Reconciliate, combine, analyze, and report all costs in projects through operational control, manage petty cash and operational finance & accounting in projects to provide complete, accurate, and on time information of costs to users in order to facilitate the improvement of effectiveness and efficiency of operations in projects based on budget plan.
• Education minimum S1 (graduate) of Finance /Accounting
• Age minimum 25 years.
• Having experience at minimum of 3 years in the same position and minimum 2 years experience in coal mining company.
• Understand the mining process.
• Having capability to make and analyze financial reports.
• Having capability to negotiate.
• Able to operate computer.
• Able to communicate in English.
• Accurate in numbers, honest, persistent, hard worker, and able to work independently as well as in team.
• Assertive, self-motivated, problem-solver, able to work under minimum supervision, and strong leadership.
• Ready to be assigned on site of projects (Kalimantan Area)
• Checking and validating the tax invoices to ensure that it complies with the procedure & policy, legal, and local tax regulation
• Prepare the calculation of monthly/quarterly/annually corporate income tax and deferred income tax.
• Maintenance the compliance through continuously update to the new tax rules and regulation.
• Prepare all taxes reconciliation on timely basis and update on all new tax reporting requirement.
• Supervises and participates in the preparation of various financial statements, reports, and tax planning both internal and external.
• Accustomed and having deep knowledge of every type of taxes and PSAK.
• Assists in the development and implementation of goals, policies, priorities, and procedures relating to financial management, tax, and accounting.
• Establishes system controls for financial & accounting systems and develops procedures to improve existing systems.
• Coordinates preparation of external audit materials and external financial reporting
• Male / Female, min 25 years old
• Bachelor degree in Accounting from reputable university and certified in Tax Brevet A/B
• At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position, minimum 3 years experience in Managerial Level
• Familiar with Group Company, Mining Company, experience in mergers, acquisitions and IPO will be an advantage
• Having experiences as an external auditor on registered public accountant
• Highly analytical and possess a comprehensive knowledge in accounting & taxation management.
• High integrity and professional in all aspects of accounting practices
• Accurate in numbers, honest, persistent, hard worker, and able to work independently as well as in team.
• Assertive, self-motivated, problem solver, and able to work under minimum supervision.
• Familiar to handle consolidated financial statements
• Have good interpersonal & communication skills and answer the tax officer from government.
• Having a good command in English.
• Implement program of management development.
• Implement program of The Future Leaders of our company group.
• Education minimum S1 (graduate) of all subjects from prominent universities.
• Fresh Graduate with IPK minimum at 3,0.
• Maximum age of 26 years.
• Having a good leadership.
• Experience minimum 2 years in purchasing of coal mining.
• Master MS Office
• Education minimum D3 / S1
• Having a good capability of communication.
• Having capability to negotiate.
• Ready to be assigned in project site in East Kalimantan.
• Tidy, accurate, and detailed.
• Making PO, implement purchasing, including searching and gathering information on suppliers.
• Negotiate with suppliers.
• Coordinate with related divisions in implementing the purchase for mining needs and others.
• Male, minimum age 22.
• Minimum education High school, but preferable university diploma III/graduate (D3/S1) majoring in geodetic technique.
• Minimum experience 2 years in the same position in coal mining.
• Able to process survey data and to analyze it well.
• Mastering survey tools and able to use them well.
• Male/Female, min. 28 years old
• Bachelor/Master degree, preferable from Major Human Resource Management ,Psychology, And Law are preferably.
• Minimum 5 years experience in Human Resource Management preferable in Mining.
• Have good knowledge all about General Affair Operation especially Assets inventory, building maintenance and office equipment.
• Having competence of Staffing, Compensation & benefit, Performance management, Learning and development, Employee relation and Labor Law.
• Good Leadership
• Computer Literates.
• English proficiency
• Male, max. 45 years old
• Minimal S1 (mining or related subject)
• Having more than 10 years experience working in coal mining projects, especially 6 year as project manager
• Having high capability to lead, synergize, and supervise departments (production, plant, finance, purchasing, logistic, safety, HR-GA, Jetty, etc.).
• Responsible and understand all aspects of mining operation, including external aspects.
• Mastering Mine Design and strategy of mining operations
• Having experience with production target of more than 150,000 tons per year, should be per month
• Mastering project management, cost analysis, planning & scheduling, and project administration
• Able to create a harmonious and productive cooperation, internally and externally
• Able to operate functions of organization and create applicable methods of work.
• Having good track record and able to develop, manage, lead, build and motivate team integratedly and guidedly
• Having honesty, commitment, integrity, and ambition to progress
• Active in working and trustworthy in implementing responsibility
• Oriented to achievement of production target optimally
Responsibility:• Create, propose, direct and evaluate weekly plan for barge loading unit
• Supervise, control and evaluate the coal loading process to the barge
• Control, implement and make a report for off the dock and barge in jetty
• Supervise and control in/out of barge, sea transportation, navigation process in port area
• Check and control barge eligibility
• Monitor maintenance of navigational aid, support tools and other shipping equipment at jetty / dock to meet standards of safety and shipping
• Implement policies and HSE programs to ensure that all activities in accordance with HSE under accountability
• Degree in shipping with experience in barging and loading is a must
• Experience minimum 2 years as captain loading master (jetty)
• Have a K3, BST and Shipping certificate
• Good computer skills
• Able to operate auto cad program
• Ability to work in a dynamic environment
• Have a good health condition
• Willing to be placed in Kalimantan Area.
Monitor, control and supervise the mining production resources to achieve the production targets and objectives of the project in accordance with the project parameters and guidelines.Requirements:
1. Min. Bachelor degree in mining
2. Min 3 years previous experiences in mining operation (production).
3. Good communication and leadership skill.
4. Willing to be placed in all company location
5. Good computer skill
6. May be required to work flexible hours to meet Project requirements.
1. Minimize exposure to personnel and the environment by identifying hazards and risks during the operation phase of the work packages and implement all safety procedures, rules and regulations.
2. Responsible to implement short term detailed mine execution plans at the position level using the using guide from Mine Planning
3. Supervise the performance of mining foremen, operators, technicians and unskilled personnel in the Mining operations in the shift by shift.
4. Co-ordinate and supervise Mining production and other mining team meetings.
5. Assist Dept. Head Production in liaise and co-ordinate with maintenance department to optimize and maximize mining equipment availability and utilization.
Control production on an hour by hour basis and prepare timely and accurate report on project progress as required by the project.
Qualifications:• Male, maximum 48 years old
• University graduate (S1) in mining engineer
• Understand mining procedure
• Understand procedures of transporting and shipping of mining products
• Able to design mining plans
• Having two year experience as chief mining engineer in the same field.
• Understand process of digging or mining operation
• Understand process of mining reclamation and rehabilitation
• Understand process of licensing and reporting with institutions concerned.
• Understand mining procedure, K3L Amdal.
• Having good capability in analyzing and solving problems
• Able to work under pressures and high work load
• Able to build a good relationship with all related government and private institutions
• Mastering general and specific softwares in mining
Responsibility:Reconciliate, combine, analyze, and report all costs in projects through operational control, manage petty cash and operational finance & accounting in projects to provide complete, accurate, and on time information of costs to users in order to facilitate the improvement of effectiveness and efficiency of operations in projects based on budget plan.
• Education minimum S1 (graduate) of Finance /Accounting
• Age minimum 25 years.
• Having experience at minimum of 3 years in the same position and minimum 2 years experience in coal mining company.
• Understand the mining process.
• Having capability to make and analyze financial reports.
• Having capability to negotiate.
• Able to operate computer.
• Able to communicate in English.
• Accurate in numbers, honest, persistent, hard worker, and able to work independently as well as in team.
• Assertive, self-motivated, problem-solver, able to work under minimum supervision, and strong leadership.
• Ready to be assigned on site of projects (Kalimantan Area)
Responsibilities:• Checking and validating the tax invoices to ensure that it complies with the procedure & policy, legal, and local tax regulation
• Prepare the calculation of monthly/quarterly/annually corporate income tax and deferred income tax.
• Maintenance the compliance through continuously update to the new tax rules and regulation.
• Prepare all taxes reconciliation on timely basis and update on all new tax reporting requirement.
• Supervises and participates in the preparation of various financial statements, reports, and tax planning both internal and external.
• Accustomed and having deep knowledge of every type of taxes and PSAK.
• Assists in the development and implementation of goals, policies, priorities, and procedures relating to financial management, tax, and accounting.
• Establishes system controls for financial & accounting systems and develops procedures to improve existing systems.
• Coordinates preparation of external audit materials and external financial reporting
• Male / Female, min 25 years old
• Bachelor degree in Accounting from reputable university and certified in Tax Brevet A/B
• At least 2 year(s) of working experience in the related field is required for this position, minimum 3 years experience in Managerial Level
• Familiar with Group Company, Mining Company, experience in mergers, acquisitions and IPO will be an advantage
• Having experiences as an external auditor on registered public accountant
• Highly analytical and possess a comprehensive knowledge in accounting & taxation management.
• High integrity and professional in all aspects of accounting practices
• Accurate in numbers, honest, persistent, hard worker, and able to work independently as well as in team.
• Assertive, self-motivated, problem solver, and able to work under minimum supervision.
• Familiar to handle consolidated financial statements
• Have good interpersonal & communication skills and answer the tax officer from government.
• Having a good command in English.
Responsibility:• Implement program of management development.
• Implement program of The Future Leaders of our company group.
• Education minimum S1 (graduate) of all subjects from prominent universities.
• Fresh Graduate with IPK minimum at 3,0.
• Maximum age of 26 years.
• Having a good leadership.
8. Purchasing Supervisor (Purch-Job Site)
Qualifications:• Experience minimum 2 years in purchasing of coal mining.
• Master MS Office
• Education minimum D3 / S1
• Having a good capability of communication.
• Having capability to negotiate.
• Ready to be assigned in project site in East Kalimantan.
• Tidy, accurate, and detailed.
• Making PO, implement purchasing, including searching and gathering information on suppliers.
• Negotiate with suppliers.
• Coordinate with related divisions in implementing the purchase for mining needs and others.
Qualifications:• Male, minimum age 22.
• Minimum education High school, but preferable university diploma III/graduate (D3/S1) majoring in geodetic technique.
• Minimum experience 2 years in the same position in coal mining.
• Able to process survey data and to analyze it well.
• Mastering survey tools and able to use them well.
Requirements:• Male/Female, min. 28 years old
• Bachelor/Master degree, preferable from Major Human Resource Management ,Psychology, And Law are preferably.
• Minimum 5 years experience in Human Resource Management preferable in Mining.
• Have good knowledge all about General Affair Operation especially Assets inventory, building maintenance and office equipment.
• Having competence of Staffing, Compensation & benefit, Performance management, Learning and development, Employee relation and Labor Law.
• Good Leadership
• Computer Literates.
• English proficiency
Cara Melamar:
Bagi Anda yang tertarik serta memenuhi persyaratan dari Lowongan Kerja PT Bara Indah Sinergi Juni 2015, segera kirimkan berkas lamaran anda pada alamat berikut:
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Demikian informasi Lowongan Kerja Bara Indah Sinergi Terbaru Juni 2015 yang dapat kami sampaikan kepada Anda yang sedang mencari pekerjaan. Harapan kami anda diterima dan lulus seleksi sehingga menjadi bagian dari perusahaan tersebut. Amin